Dr. John Dr. John H. Joseph is a Facial Plastic Surgeon who has a prominent practice in Beverly Hills and is an Assistant clinical Professor at UCLA. He specializes in Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgery but is also involved in congenital and traumatic facial reconstructive cases. Read more
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Rhinoplasty (nose)

Obstructions in the nose that cause breathing and sinus problems and deformities of the nose such as a hump on the top or a nose that is too long or too wide can be corrected by a rhinoplasty. A rhinoplasty can be performed in conjunction with reconstructive nasal-septal surgery to relieve obstructions inside the nose. This operation is known as a septorhinoplasty. Incisions are placed inside the nose so that no scarring can be seen. Rarely, a small incision may be required across the skin between the nostrils. Most patients have packing inside their nose when they leave the surgery center which may be removed by a member of Dr. Joseph's staff the following morning. There will be a small cast on the nose for approximately 7 days which will be removed on the patient's post-operative visit. Rhinoplasty surgery is performed at Brighton Medical Corporation, a certified out-patient surgical center . These procedures can be done under a light intravenous sedation but may be done under general anesthesia. The patient is required to have a competent adult pick them up from the surgical center and stay with them the first night. Surgical fees, pre-operative and post-operative instructions are given at the time of the consultation and the patient is responsible for reading these instructions thoroughly prior to surgery.

Rhinoplasty (nose)

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